Hvis du, som os er nysgerrig anlagt og har lyst vide mere om vores uddannede makeupartister og hår stylister og deres jobs, så er denne nye type indlæg lige noget for dig! Vi vil nemlig give vores dygtige tidligere elever en stemme, og lade dem fortælle dig om hvem de er, hvorfor de valgte uddannelsen og hvad de laver i dag.
Tidligere elev Leila, skal i denne lille venindebog blandt andet fortælle dig, hvorfor hun blev makeup artist. I var nemlig ret vilde med venindebogen, fra Frederikke her, og Ida her.
Leila er engelsk, og snakker ikke dansk, hun har alligvel taget uddannelsen her på akademiet, vores instruktører underviser nemlig både på dansk og på engelsk, så alle kan være med. Derfor er interviewet også på engelsk i dag, men vi håber i kan være med alligevel!
Mød den tidligere elev:
Leila Azzabi
Lets get to know you Leila!

Leila Azzabi
I am an assistant to Nicci Welsh and at the same time, I am working at the Nicci Welsh Makeup Academy.
Can you please start by presenting yourself?
I was born in Dubai and lived there for 18 years. I moved to Copenhagen about 7 months ago and fell in love with this beautiful place.
I have loved make up from a very young age and love to experiment with different looks.

When did you start to do make up?
If I remember correctly it was around the age of 12. I would wear a black liner in the waterline or I used to own a Lancome mascara that had glitter in that I would wear, it did look pretty.
How long do you spend putting make up on in the morning?
If I am in a rush I can get it down to 15 minutes maybe but a normal day to day a simple look is 30 to 45 minutes. I know some people may think that is a lot still but I do wear a lot more products than it may look like.
Which make up product do you use everyday?
I swear by the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders. They are basically the best thing since sliced bread. They keep the skin looking really glowy without looking cakey or glittery and add brightness to the skin.
What make up product is overrated?
I am not sure if this product is still overrated but I think it used to be – but it has to be the YSL Touché Éclat. I have never understood why people use it and I think it does absolutely nothing for the skin.
Remember to follow Leila’s work and everyday life, as a certified makeup artist and hairstylist on her Instagram account here @leila_grey

Why did you become a make up artist?
I have loved make up since I was really young and I used to love putting it on to create different looks. But I remember when I was in school people used to say to me what make up are you wearing? Or what is the colour that is on your eyes? And I think that was when I realized that I was talented and that I should share my creativity.
Why did you choose Nicci Welsh Make up Academy?
When I work – for me one of the most important things is the people I am working with and the way they are towards me. When I had the very first meeting with Mads from the Academy, I knew this place was for me. It was relaxed but also tough on the fact that we are here to learn and have a job to do.
I knew that it would be a good amount of push but that I would also be able to get on with everyone without feeling to pressured.
What are you doing today?
I am at the Academy working, and taking pictures of new products for different blog posts and Instagram pictures.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find a lot of inspiration from Instagram and Youtubers. There is such a wide variety of make up artists these days that anything can be found on Youtube.
Tell us something we didn’t know about you?
Haha, that’s hard – but did you know that I love cats?!
Do you dream of becoming a makeup artist and hairstylist, just as Leila did?
Read more about our 8-week programme….